A True Conservative Condemns the Violence and Hate

This last week we have seen some despicable acts committed by men who claim to be conservative. First was the mailing of potential explosives to liberal politicians, activists, and media outlets. The second was the horrific shooting and killings of Jews in Pittsburg. I whole-heartedly denounce and condemn both of these terrible actions. These are not the actions of a true conservative, but rather they are the actions of sick and evil men.

I am a conservative. I believe in fiscal responsibility, small government with limited powers, and I am pro-life. I believe marriage is a special and sacred relationship that should be limited to only a relationship between a man and a woman. I believe all people should be treated with respect, even when we disagree. I believe the Constitution should be interpreted consistent with its original intent as restricting Governmental powers and only granting Government the powers specifically and expressly granted in the Constitution itself.

A true conservative only uses violence as a last resort to preserve life and liberty. Yes, I believe people like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and those of the liberal left are a threat to our liberty and way of life. However, the way to counter this threat is through free and open dialogue and speech, not violence. We must counter their message through reason and logic. We must be active in encouraging others who espouse our political beliefs to get out and vote. We must use our influence to get out and counter the lies and distortions of those opposing us and persuade through reason and logic those of the upcoming generation and those who have been blinded by our opponents. But while a true conservative still has the right to free speech and the ballot box, a true conservative must not resort to violence.

A true conservative does not engage in racial or ethnic hatred. A true conservative shows love and respect to people of all backgrounds. Every person has inherent and eternal worth. Every person, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, political view, or any other characteristic is a child of God and is entitled to the dignity and respect due to God’s children.

When I was growing up, a group of African-American teenagers jumped and beat up my brother. Do I hate African-American people for this? Absolutely not! This was the act of individuals, not and entire race. (It was also an African-American man who drove into the middle of the melee, pulled my brother out, and got him to the hospital, saving his life. I am forever grateful for the actions of this man).   A white man abducted my sister. Fortunately, she put up so much of a fight, he pushed her out of his car a few blocks away. Do I hate all white men for this? No! Again, this was the act of an individual, not a race. On September 11, 2001, a group of Muslims attacked the United States and flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Do I hate all Muslims because of this? Of course not! A true conservative evaluates individuals and does not pass judgment on an entire group based on the actions of a few.

We can disagree and still be peaceful and respectful with each other. That is the way of a true conservative.


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